Ballad of Kezia
Kutipan Cerpen Ballad of Kezia
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Strike one, Kezia slowly draw with her pen in the paper.

"Why am I so bad at drawing!!!" Kezia cried desperately

As a result of full rage, with her soft grasp she crumpled the paper. She then re-flatten it again, and afterwards tore it into pieces.

"CRAPP!!!" Kezia cried.


*knock knock* Somebody knocked the door.

Kezia immediately opened the door and she saw an old man with wrinkles and white hair. He's Kezia's driver. With a joyful face, he asked "Can I help you?"

Kezia backed off a bit, and with a disgusted face she answered "umm, nope. Please go away"

The driver then departed.

Sddenly she felt like her muscles are breaking.


"My life is end, imma kill myself"

"But wait, am I even ready to die yet?" Kezia whispered

Kezia opened her instagrab to help herself relieve. In Instagrab, she saw a reel about a medicine that can cure all kind of sickness. As the water from the youth fountain, so is that medicine.

"WATTHEHELL!!!!" Kezia yelled.

Kezia immediately headed to her garage, get into her car, and departed from her depressing stressful confined hell house.

Then Kezia stopped on the building with crystal blue color. She headed into the reservation.

"Maam, can I have the Eternal Medicine" Kezia asked.

The doctor answered "hold on, come here follow me"

The doctor walked, followed by Kezia.

And it came to pass, they are in a room with a bed and a table with surgery tools places upon it.

"Doc, are you serious the medication is here" Kezia asked.

"Yes, but we need you to sleep here first" The doctor said while pointing at the bed.

Kezia then slept upon the bed.

The doctor took a knife from the small table next to the bed, and slowly she aimed it into Kezia's left eye. Kezia can't wait forever, so she opened her eyes and surprised with the beautiful scenery.

"What the hell!!!!!!" Kezia yelled in shock

The knife cutted Kezia's left eye a bit, but she still can see. Also, Kezia accidentally crashed a shelf that has bottles of blood on it. The bloods were spilled upon all over her body.

"Dammit!!!" Kezia whispered.

That crazy psychopathic doctor laughted and chased Kezia, attempting to bring Kezia back to the bed.

However, Kezia was pretty good at running, she managed to escape. Kezia left bloody footprint while running.

However, while running Kezia got stumbled.

The doctor immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her. While pulling her, the doctor cutted Kezia's hand till it bleeds everythere.

"Aww hell" Kezia yelled while kicking the doctor. Luckily she managed to take her down. Kezia took the doctor's surgery knife and cutted out her left eye. Then Kezia escaped through the emergency door with her body covered in bloods. She also left a bloody footprint.

15 Apr 2024 17:38
Karawang Barat, West Karawang, Karawang, West Java
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