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How Does it Feels to be Falling in Love with a Helper?
Kutipan Puisi How Does it Feels to be Falling in Love with a Helper?
Karya nanasghina
Baca selengkapnya di Penakota.id

You helped me to know my self better.

You let yourself be the punching bag,

whenever I need to release my emotions.

You thank me every time I retelling all the fuckin same stuffs about what happened each day in my life.

You always want to know how my day was going,

Knowing that i love to be asked about what I'm up to, where am I, how do I feel, and all.

You helped me to acknowledged my self more than I have know about myself.

Make sure that I'm still okay, breathing and living properly.

Gives me the appreciation I always needed.

never judge me for what I did and what I didn't.

Accepted all of my various personality that always coming up without warning.

and still never be mad at me.

You handled me so well

You have the entire part of my heart for it.

How does it feels to be falling in love with a "helper"?

Then I'll have a mountain of answers that I can't write it all here.

The things you should know is that,

I feel lucky to have you in my life.

Stay a little longer please?

20 Nov 2023 12:55
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