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I Just Want to be Your Fan
Kutipan Puisi I Just Want to be Your Fan
Karya manapthebona
Baca selengkapnya di Penakota.id

I just want to be your fan.

For all your poems

for all your metaphors and similes

for all the heartfelt feeling you put into it

Although it's not for me.

I'm not far away, and I'm not close.

I'm just behind the letters you don't read.

I'm just sitting alone. On the bench of your poetry performance.

If only you gave me a ticket

A ticket to return to that time

I like it when you like the last sentence of my poem,

And when we ask about the meaning of the journey.

Time machine, 1980 and the night that sank?

morning dawn and sea gems?

"What got us this late? just to talk and laugh."

That i remember,

I only love you

You are a masterpiece.

You are something great.

And I just want to be your fan.

07 Mar 2023 21:59
Umi robiatul adawiyah, C5FJ+C4J, Gg. Family, Rw. Makmur, Kec. Palaran, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75251
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