How Was Your Day?
Kutipan Cerpen How Was Your Day?
Karya shasanadia
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Dear Dawn, 

  How was your day? I hope everything is OK. Yeah, of course, I'm still alive. It's because your magical words. 

  It's been a long time since we met at our favorite coffee shop. That was our last night to share about our life story. About how cruel this crazy world. And, you ever told me that "We'll find our way." And thats right, Dawn. 

  Do you remember when cried together all day long? I think, that's our unique way to solve our problem. We control ourselves first before we mad just like a volcanic erruptions. To me, thats very awesome experience, Dawn. 

  So, I would like to say thank you to you. Because of your magical words, I can survive the world by myself. And remember, we will find our way. 



*sorry for my bad english hihi, peace!

29 Jan 2020 23:00
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